There were approximately 22 members in attendance. Those Officers and Board of Directors present were: Rob Szalay, Robert Tschoke, Dave Kennedy, Ralph Lambiase, Brian McAuliff, Joe Mikulas, Jack Morrell, Tom Orlando and Mahesh Panchal.
Excused: Scott Eastman
Called to Order: 8:06 p.m.
A motion to accept the General Meeting Minutes of 5/18/23 was not made.
**President’s Report:
Rob S. announced we are swearing in our Officers and Board tonight. We are having an abbreviated meeting. Everyone enjoy the dinner and drinks. Brian McAuliff asked what everyone thought about the new SCECA logo. Everyone clapped.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Orlando
Tom O. reported dues will be going up to $225 a year. If you want to save money, you can pay $400 for two years.
Swearing in of Board and Officers. Rob S. announced all being sworn in to please come up. John Cangemi swore everyone in: Officers: Rob Szalay – President, Rob Tschoke – Vice President, Dave Kennedy – Secretary, Tom Orlando – Treasurer. Board of Directors: Ralph Lambiase, Brian McAuliff and Mahesh Panchal – Board Members. A picture was taken for the newsletter.
1 – $100 cash prize was won by Rob Tschoke.
2 – $70 cash prizes were won by Brian McAuliff and Ralph Lambiase.
$100 attendance award was drawn for William Reynolds (#72-25Yr.) who was not present to win.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara George Dave Kennedy
Recording Secretary Secretary