The association acts on legislation to protect the integrity of license holders in Suffolk County with direct input to licensing.
A. The association provides professional assistance to all its members, current inspectors lists, forms, applications, agency representatives at each monthly meeting to answer all your questions.
B. We also have a unique forum for members to discuss relevant concerns with inspection agencies, utilities and licensing at every level.
The association schedules monthly meetings centrally located for networking and the dissemination of important information for your business. You also get a one-year subscription to our monthly newsletter. The Light, keeping you abreast on a variety of topics and current issues.
The association has been a major leader in the electrical industry since 1938, pioneering Electrical Safety Week on Long Island, and Vendors Night, the largest electrical trade show in Suffolk. Serious educational award seminars on the code and other topics for the professional electrical contractor and monthly programs of positive interest for your business are other benefits to membership.
The association provides all SCECA members with legal advice from our association attorney.
The association maintains a telephone members list countywide, for inquiries which are referred to members from their appropriate towns. You and your business will be on the SCECA Web Site for maximum exposure including conscientious consumer awareness of SCECA in leading newspaper ads, and the use of the SCECA logo.
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