12:30-2:30pm: GFCI and AFCI Requirements in Dwellings 2017.
Instructor: The Electrical raining Center
*Note that this class qualifies for Code officials professional education requirement.
2:45-3:45pm: Understanding Viable Heating Solutions for Local Law 97 Compliance
Instructor: ATI (Applied Technologies of NY)
*Note that this class qualifies for Architect and Engineering PDH credit.
4:00-5:00pm: An overview of NFPA 70B. This seminar will explain safety, electrical testing fundamentals, component testing and commissioning.
Instructor: The Electrical Training Center
Also meet and greet PSEG LI and find out about the latest Commercial energy rebates and the rise in heat pump technology applications and opportunities.
Radisson Hotel
110 Motor Parkway
Hauppauge, NY